The Miss Wasatch County Scholarship Organization is excited to welcome a Teen title to our program! Miss Wasatch County’s Teen is looking for young women age 14-18, (14 by April 15, 2025 and no older than 18 by March 25, 2026) who are interested in becoming the first Miss Wasatch County’s Teen, to attend orientation on April 8th at 7pm. Our competition will be held June 21, 2025.
Miss Wasatch County’s Teen will represent our great and growing community throughout her year of service by promoting and advocating her Community Service Initiative, fulfilling the role of spokesperson, being a role model to everyone around her and promoting Wasatch County. She will also compete for Miss Utah’s Teen title next March 2026. Participating in the Miss America Organization is one of the most rewarding and beneficial experiences available to young women in the United States. Each year, more than 10,000 young women participate at the local, state, and national levels. Scholarships are awarded to Miss Wasatch County’s Teen and her attendant. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity provides memorable experiences of serving the people of our valley as well as the state of Utah while gaining knowledge in public speaking and interview skills. Register online at There is a non-refundable $50 registration fee. If registration fills, priority will be given to those girls who are closer to maximum age for the program.
Please attend our orientation meeting on Tuesday, April 8th at 7:00pm at the Wasatch County Recreation Center for information about workshop schedules, requirements, and how to prepare for the competition. Bring your ID or passport with you. Parents are welcome to attend. Bring an interested friend! If you have any questions, please email the program directors Aja Phillips or Giuliana Willis at: